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렘쉽 맥스 콜드 & 플루 핫 드링크 레몬맛 10팩 Lemsip Max Cold & Flu Hot Drink with Decongestant Lemon flavour 10 Sachet


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Price 10.49
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Lemsip Max Cold and Flu Multi Lemon 10pk Relief Hot Drink

General Information

Lemsip Max Cold and Flu Hot Drink Lemon for headache, fever, body aches and pains and sore throat.

Lemsip Max Cold and Flu Hot Drink Lemon for the temporary relief of cold and flu, including headache, sore throat, fever, body aches and pains.

Size: 10 Pack


Keep out of reach of children. If an overdose is taken or suspected, ring the Poisons Information Centre (Australia 13 11 26; New Zealand 0800 764 766) or go to a hospital straight away even if you feel well because of the risk of delayed, serious liver damage. Do not take with other products containing paracetamol, unless advised to do so by a doctor or pharmacist. Phenylketonurics are warned that this product contains aspartame. Sachet is safety sealed - do not use if torn or damaged.


Does not contain gluten.


Contains total sugars 2.2g in a base including sucrose, aspartame, saccharin & lactose. Contains 129mg (5.6mmol) of sodium which should be taken into account by those on a low sodium diet.

Contains: Each sachet of powder contains Paracetamol 1000mg.


How to take:
Pour contents of sachet into mug and fill with hot, but not boiling, water. Stir until dissolved. If preferred, sweeten to taste with sugar, honey or your usual sweetener.

How much to take:
Adults and children over 12 years: 1 sachet. Do not use more than 1 sachet. Do not use more than 1 sachet per dose.
Dosage may be repeated every 4-6 hours as necessary, maximum 4 sachets in 24 hours. Do not give to children 12 years and under.


Keep to the recommended dose:
Adults: Do not use for more than a few days, unless advised by a doctor.
Adolescents & Children over 12 years: Do not use for more than 48 hours, unless advised by a doctor. Suitable for use whilst pregnant or breastfeeding.


Store below 25°C in a dry place.
Product Details
Product 렘쉽 맥스 콜드 & 플루 핫 드링크 레몬맛 10팩 Lemsip Max Cold & Flu Hot Drink with Decongestant Lemon flavour 10 Sachet
Brand Lemsip
Country of Origin Australia
Retail Price AUD 10.59
Price AUD 10.49
Reward Points $0 (1%)
Shipping (Charge) AUD 15.00
Review 0
Product Inquiry 0
Number of Related Products 0
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  • Shipping Method : Parcel Service
  • Shipping Area : A Region.
  • Shipping Cost : AUD 15.00
  • Shipping Time : 5 - 14 days
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